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Her Bookshelf

So here’s the first rendition of the “Life in Her Order” series, where I go through personal finance, favorite eating spots and of course, my favorite books (quite an array amirite?). So welcome to Her Bookshelf! I’ve recently been reading such a plethora of books, and alot of them in fiction! This is a pretty big deal for someone who said she didn’t see the “point” in reading fiction. Until she did. And does. I think fiction is an honest, versatile and beautiful genre, and I honestly think it took me way longer to realize that than it should’ve. And it makes sense – by nature, we as humans are drawn to stories. And by nature, stories, have deeper meanings. They have lessons intertwined into their thick, palpable exterior overflowing with details. But if you look closely enough, these lessons are just within your grasp – all you had to do was connect the dots. Now don’t get me wrong, when I start a book, I don’t actively look for these easter eggs, but I do crave that aha moment when you know you got it!

So, this series will be a combination of books I’ve read so far and what my initial thoughts were. In the past year, I read almost 30 books (which isn’t that much for many people), but it was a huge deal for me! And as I continue to preach, I encourage you to define your own success and identify what your goal is, unique to you.

Here are my top 3 favorite reads of 2023!

The Vanishing Half (Obamas’ Reading List):

This book was about two twins – both who left home, but then abandoned one another to start their own lives. They come from a colored town called Malard, but they look white enough to pass for white – and Stella, the older twin does so. In a weird twist of events, their daughters connect (Jude & Stella’s daughter) and they come close to the truth. Stella never comes out with the truth but does lose her daughter in the midst. Jude dates a transgender man who she ends up with afterall. I didn’t like the ending – or maybe I rushed through it. The vignes’ sisters mom dies of alzheimers and stella doesn’t end – jude and boyfriend take a dip begging to forget it all and Desiree moves to a different town. 
Learnings: Don’t run away from your past – it’ll always be there to haunt you Don’t forget your roots – honor them and remember how far you’ve come Family is all you have at the end of the day – cherish them with all your heart Let people in – it’s okay (: 

Lessons in Chemistry (Now on Apple TV)

This book is such a good one!! It’s about Elizabeth Zott and the diminished role of women in the 1950s. She’s a scientist whos so fearless, badass and isn’t dismissed by any man. She was almost raped during her pHd, but then falls in love with Calvin Evans, who teaches her to love rowing and sees all her passion and grit – beyond her beauty. He dies a sudden death and they have a dog, called six-thirty. She refused to marry him because she didn’t want to be known by him or take his last name. Then she got pregnant with their kid, and to support them, she was doing freelancing scientist work at Hastings (cuz she was the smartest but the dude there was an asshole). And then she ends up doing a show called Supper at Six – where she teaches women the chemistry behind nutritious food. Her famous line is – “Children go set the table – Your mother needs a moment to herself”. She recognizes how much work women of the house do and how much goes unrespected. This show turns into a huge success and actually empowers women to go change the norms and educate themselves to make a name for themselves. Elizabeth’s kid, Maddie turns out to be very smart too, and throughout the process, she tries to trace her roots to her father too. They find Reverend Wakely, who leads them to the children’s home they grew up in – and the reason Calvin held such strong grudges. He was fooled by the minister at the orphanage looking for more money – so he never got to meet his mom. His mom had him at 17 at a catholic place where they told him he was born stillborn & died. But he actually was put up for adoption. Calvin’s mom, walter pine (tv show producer), elizabeth, harriet (loving neighbor who gets a divorce to date walter), six thirty and madeline have dinner at the end to finally get together!! 

Learnings: Women are fearless, badass individuals of societyWe can all accomplish anything It’s no point fearing men – we are all equals and can accomplish more together Women together are a force to be reckoned with It’s key to make a name for yourself – but not while bringing other women down – it’s together that we rise Seek your passions Take a moment for yourself Make yourself a priorityIf you don’t stand up for yourself – no one will Chemistry is change I really want to read more about neuroscience! The brain fascinates me 

Finding Me (Viola Davis)

A classic but real rags to riches story, Viola vividly explains her entire life from start to finish. She came from literal poverty, and grew up in a home without electricity, an alcoholic & rage-ridden father and little sisters she had to take care of. One way out of there was education – and once in university, she realized acting was her real passion, and something she excelled at. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but opportunities found her as she was following her heart. She talks about how she forgave her parents and had a good relationship with them later in life, and how she manifested a secure relationship with her current partner and has an adopted daughter. She talked about how she had to fight for what she wanted, but also had to support those that came from where was at – she supported everyone, and made it. It’s a real heart warming story and I honestly learned so much from it. 

– Your past does not dictate your future It doesn’t matter where you come from, only where you’re going now Never assume anything about anyone 
– Everyone has something they’re dealing with or have dealt withWe’re so much stronger than we think 
– Follow where your gifts lie, don’t suppress it for something you won’t enjoy 
– Joy in your craft is what keeps you going; the rest is temporary 
– Manifestation is real! It changes your energy and the way you interact with the world, making you more open to accepting new in your life 

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