How many times have you heard the phrase “All in due time”. “It’ll all happen when it’s meant to”. “Right things at the right time”. We’ve all been there, frustrated because the thing we want to happen – just isn’t. And you know intuitively and logically that it isn’t your fault, or rather even in your control. It’s beyond your scope of influence. You know. I know it. We all do – but our desire for it so badly isn’t helping.
So my question is, if everything happens when the time is right – are we just supposed to wait around for it all to sync up? No. Absolutely not. Listen up. Think about what you wanted a year ago, a month ago, a decade ago. You probably have it right now. You’re living the “good ol’ days” – and while you’re waiting for this thing you want too badly to roll up, you’re missing what’s right in front of you. So take a moment to just be present and be in the moment. Let it happen. Let it consume you. Let yourself get lost in it.
Because here’s what I’ve realized – waiting only makes the wait longer. And we’re not here to wait, we’re here to live. We’re here to make the most of it all. Why this sudden ramble? Well I’ve been stuck at home for a week because I took all of my wisdom teeth out, and initially, it didn’t bother me, but the repetition got to me last night. Compounded by the fact that I haven’t met my friends in a while, I started to lose sight of the little things. There are a lot of things up in the air for me right now as I begin the graduation process, and I know that I’m trying all that I can but ultimately, a lot of it isn’t in my control. I can only do so much. And this detachment wasn’t doing me a favor. Sometimes I find myself going into this rabbit hole, where time no longer flows – it stops. It pauses. It passes so slowly when all I want is for it to pass. But we’re not here to kill time. Time is our friend. Time is our way through – it’s the process that is where I’ll learn the most about myself. It’s a process. I get it. I know you get it too – you might not in the moment, but trust me you’ll get through it.
Here are some things that I find helpful when I start feeling stuck in some timewarp/bored/confused about what to do:
- Talk to a friend – text if you don’t feel like it. What they say probably might not help, but their companionship or just being there might help pull you outta that hole. It might help you get out of your mind.
- Get out of your house – I didn’t realize how badly I needed this. The fresh air does wonders and makes you realize the world is so much bigger than what’s going inside there.
- Indulge in your hobbies – that’s why they exist! Do what you love to do. If you don’t know what it is, this is your time to find it. You’ll be grateful you did.
- Journal/Write down what you’re feeling
- Go for a walk
- Watch a movie/TV show – if your mind allows for it. Sometimes, I’m so restless I can’t focus on anything. So try it only if you feel like it.
The point is, don’t kill time waiting – it’s not going to work. Intentionally spend your time by embracing the moment. If it’s passing slowly, it might be because you’re trying to find meaning where there isn’t. It’s a process, and you’re living it. Congratulations – this higher-order thinking is one you are privileged to have. Validate yourself (:
“It’s a process, and you’re living it”