Navigating life's labyrinth one dive at a time.

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We’re all just on our own path

How many times have you felt like you weren’t doing enough? That you weren’t where you were supposed to be? How many times have you looked at those around you or even just scrolled through LinkedIn, left with a lingering feeling of resentment, a sense of “what am I doing” or even just pure, envy?

You’re not alone. If I had a $100 (yes, a $100 not a dime), for every time I thought less of myself because of someone else doing more than I was in that very moment, I’d be richer than Bill Gates (not to brag lol). And first, let me start off by saying that it is completely normal to feel this way. It’s normal to want what someone else has or is chasing because that is truly just human nature. So the first step is accepting or validating your feelings. The more you try to push it away, the more you’ll notice it. Remember, what resists, persists. So accept it. You’re bound to feel this way, and even that person you’re eyeing has probably felt that way too.

But here’s the thing – that person didn’t get to where they are by constantly doubting themselves or the process. They got there by trying new things, believing in themselves, and making room for failure. They got there by focusing on their own path and their own journey. The harsh reality is that your journey is never going to look 100% identical to theirs – it’s just not possible. And you should be glad for that – because life is too short for you to be someone else. Realize that you have your own unique gift and role in this world, and you just need to make space for it to flow. For you to find your calling and space to shine, you need to listen to yourself. To that inner voice. But if you’re so busy looking at others on their own path, mistaking these two parallel (or not so parallel) lines as a race, you’re doing no one a favor.

Those around you that are killing it doing what they are – it’s simply because they’ve found their thing. Their niche. The thing they do best. And I need you to believe that you will soon find it too. It just takes time. It takes patience And it’s key to realize that we’re all just on our own unique paths out here, trying to do the best we can with what we have. So in the meantime, be grateful for what you do have, empower those who are behind you, and clap for those who are ahead. We’re all part of something greater, and the sooner you realize it, the sooner you’ll find your unique place in this huge heck of a thing we call the world.

Know that you are exactly where you’re meant to be today, right now, in this very moment. And someday, you’re going to look back and understand why you were here. It will all fall into place. You just wait and watch. Continue making space for the unknown and new – don’t let the fear of striking out stop you from striking at all (:

“You are exactly where you’re meant to be today, right now, in this very moment”

Sara A, April 2023
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on your path